
An advanced dental mindset focusing on whole body health and wellness.

Healthy Alternatives

The incidence of childhood tooth decay and obesity in the US is extremely high and we can place the blame in part, on the fact that so many of the pre-packaged snack food and drinks that our kids consume are chock full of the sugar and fats that contribute to these...

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Injuries May Occur

Every phase of childhood comes with its own specific challenges and risks. Studies have shown, however, that playground or sports field injuries, and falls are the most common causes of mouth injuries in particular. Risks of falling increase if the child has something...

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Early Protection Pays Off

Kids go through so many stages from infancy through preschool, middle school, the teenage years all the way to young adulthood, and with each age comes new challenges. Dental issues also change along with each phase of the child’s growth. Pediatric dentists have gone...

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What’s Taking So Long?

The process of losing primary teeth actually follows a specific timetable starting with the front two bottom teeth and going back and forth from top to bottom with the primary molars being the last to go. There may be some exceptions but most children have lost all of...

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Dispel The Fear

If your child has had the advantage of being part of a pediatric dental home starting at an early age he or she has never experienced dental anxiety, they probably think of going to the dentist as a part of life’s routine. Not all kids are as lucky as your own,...

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Research Pays Off

Is it time to find a pediatric dental home? You’ll want to look for a practice that will focus on your child’s needs and give him a headstart in the race against childhood tooth decay. How should you begin the search? A personal endorsement from another parent or the...

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Kids Benefit From Professional Cleanings

Baby teeth are not immune to plaque buildup. When your child visits his pediatric dentist the hygienist will begin the appointment by scraping off any plaque that has hardened into tartar which is not able to be removed by home brushing. Plaque and tartar can lead to...

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Factors Can Change Over Time

We know that children are more prone to cavities than adults so doesn’t it stand to reason that as they get older the risk decreases? If that’s the case then why are so many teenagers still at above-average risk? The answer may have a lot to do with lifestyle. A...

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Is Your Child At Higher Risk?

Research studies have shown an increase in the number of cavities in preschool-age children over the last ten years. One theory concludes that our kids are being exposed to more sugar than ever and at an earlier age. Another speculates that the introduction to the...

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Technology Can Reduce Risk

Unless your child is at high risk for cavities or your pediatric dentist feels that after a thorough clinical exam a closer look is prescribed, x-rays are kept to a minimum. Even though the dosage of radiation is extremely nominal it does accumulate so the more often...

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